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Health & Environment

July, 2014

  • 7 July

    Higher Education, UNFPA sign agreement for reproductive health programs

    Damascus, SANA – The Higher Education Ministry and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) on Monday signed a cooperation agreement for implementing reproductive health programs at the University Obstetrics Hospital …

  • 7 July

    Health Minister underscores cooperation with WHO to counter chemical poisoning

    Damascus, SANA-Minister of Health Dr. Saad al-Nayef has underscored the necessity of bolstering cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO) for confronting chemicals and gas-induced poisoning. Minister al-Nayef was speaking …

  • 7 July

    Environment Affairs Minister calls for prioritizing projects which lower air pollution emissions

    Damascus, SANA – Sate Minister for Environment Affairs Nazira Serkis stressed the need to prioritize projects that help reduce air pollution emissions of all kinds, calling on all ministries to …

  • 3 July

    Maaloula Health Center back into service soon, Minister says

    Damascus Countryside, SANA – Minister of Health Saad al-Nayef assured on Thursday that the health center in Maaloula town will be back into service in the coming few days. The …

  • 2 July

    Homs Governor: Joining efforts to reactivate economy in the city

    Homs, SANA – The Environment Department in cooperation with other directorates in Homs Province launched on Wednesday a clean-up campaign in the city, with the aim of improving the environmental …

June, 2014

  • 26 June

    Interior Minister: Syria clean off drug planting, manufacturing

    Damascus, SANA- Interior Minister Mohammad al-Shaar said Thursday Syria will not be a home for any aggressor and occupier, affirming that the Syrian people are the only ones who formulate the …

  • 25 June

    Health minister: Kassab healthcare center to become operative soon

    Lattakia, SANA – Health Minister Dr. Saad al-Nayef said Kassab healthcare center will be operative again soon after its infrastructure is rebuilt. After a visit he paid to Kassab city accompanied …

  • 25 June

    Red Crescent launches clinics for treating malnourished children in Hama province

    Hama, SANA – The Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) branch in Hama launched two specialized clinics for treating children with malnourishment in the cities of Hama and al-Salamiye. Branch director …

  • 23 June

    “Together We Protect the Environment” campaign launched

    Damascus, SANA – The State Ministry for Environment Affairs, in cooperation with Damascus Governorate, launched a campaign titled “Together We Protect the Environment.” The campaign, which was launched on Monday …

  • 21 June

    Damascus Countryside Governor calls for taking measures to cope with water shortage, solve electricity problems

    Damascus Countryside, SANA – Governor of Damascus Countryside Hussein Makhlouf inspected the condition of services in Damascus Countryside, especially concerning electricity and water. During his meeting with heads of municipalities …