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Petroleum Minister inspects gas plants in Homs’ eastern countryside

Homs, SANA – Petroleum and Mineral Resources Minister Sleiman al-Abbas on Saturday inspected work in gas plants in the eastern countryside of Homs province, saying that gas production at the …

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Sit-in Damascus in solidarity with besieged people of al-Foua and Kifraya in Idleb

Damascus, SANA – A number of official, political, religious and popular figures joined hundreds who gathered on Saturday in al-Rawda Square in Damascus to express their solidarity with the locals …

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Palestinian official: No end in sight for Yarmouk crisis

Damascus, SANA-Secretary of the Palestinian Revolution Factions Alliance Khaled Abdul-Majid said that the return of Palestinians who fled terrorist acts in Yarmouk camp near Damascus is “not likely anytime soon” …

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Health minister drums up support for Syria’s sanction-battered health sector

Geneva, SANA-Health Minister Dr. Nizar Yazigi demanded that the World Health Organisation (WHO) exert maximum efforts to refill Syria’s stockpile of quality, immunological and genetic medicine, as well as vaccines …

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President al-Assad holds call with commander of soldiers who were in Jisr al-Shughour Hospital

Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad on Friday evening held a call with Colonel Mahmoud Sabha, the commander of a group of Syrian Arab Army soldiers who were in Jisr …

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Victory at Jisr al-Shughour hospital stresses the army’s will is unbreakable

Hama, SANA – Colonel Mahmoud Sabha, the commander of a group of Syrian Arab Army soldiers who were in Jisr al-Shughour Hospital, recounted the details of the operation that led …

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A child killed, 13 injured in new terrorist shelling attack on al-Ashrafiyeh, Aleppo

Aleppo, SANA – A child was killed and more than ten civilians were injured in a terrorist attack with mortar shells on al-Ashrafiyeh neighborhood in Aleppo city on Saturday. Several …

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BRICS countries renew firm support for Syria’s sovereignty and call for peaceful solution

Moscow, SANA – BRICS countries stressed their firm support for Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and renewed their call for a peaceful solution to its crisis by the Syrian people. …

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Patriarch Laham: There can be no world peace without Syria

Homs, SANA – Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch of Antioch and All East Gregory III Laham said that the world’s Christians support the Syrian people, and that there can be no …

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Russia gravely concerned over terrorists’ seizure of Palmyra, Russian diplomat says

Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Alexander Lukashevich expressed concern over recent terrorist advances in Iraqi and Syrian cities, including Idleb, Jisr al-Shughour and most recently, Palmyra. Commenting on the …

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