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Tag Archives: Syria

Moscow: National reconciliations in Syria successful

Moscow, SANA – Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the idea to reach a settlement to the crisis in Syria according to the “from the smallest to the biggest” …

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Arab lawyers condemn terrorist crimes in Syria

Cairo, SANA – Arab lawyers condemned the regionally and internationally backed terrorism and the crimes of terrorists in Syria. In a statement following the activities of the 23rd conference of …

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Parliament Speaker: National reconciliation is the inevitable and best way out of crisis

Damascus, SANA – Speaker of the People’s Assembly Mohammad Jihad al-Laham stressed Thursday that national reconciliation is the inevitable and most effective way out of the crisis in the country. …

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IRGC Commander: Syrians’ awareness foils foreign military intervention schemes in the country

Tehran, SANA – Commander of Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari stressed on Saturday that the awareness of the Syrian people foiled all foreign military …

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Roads conditions across country on Friday

Damascus, SANA- The traffic conditions in the Syrian provinces on Friday were listed by the Traffic Department at the Interior Ministry as follows: Damascus Countryside: All roads in the province …

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Al-Halaqi: Iran has major opportunity to establish developmental projects in Syria

Damascus, SANA – “Iran has major opportunities to establish joint developmental projects in Syria,” Prime Minister Wael al-Halaqi said during a meeting with head of the Iranian-Syrian Economic Relations Development …

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Public imports from Iran exempted from taxes

Damascus, SANA- The Cabinet extended exemption of taxes for public sector’s imports from Iran. The Cabinet issued Thursday a decision on exempting public sectors’ imports from Iran from taxes and …

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Syria, Iran to enhance economic, investment joint projects

Tehran, SANA- Iranian Minister of Economy and Finance, Ali Tayebnia discussed Saturday with Syrian Ambassador in Tehran Dr. Adnan Mahmoud ways to establish joint investment projects in oil, phosphate, cement, …

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Delegation from SOS Chrétiens d’Orient association visits Sweida

Sweida, SANA – A delegation from the French association SOS Chrétiens d’Orient (SOS Christians of the East) visited a number of religious figures in Sweida province as part of a …

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Prayer for peace in Syria and the world in Prague

Prague, SANA- Hundreds of Czeck citizens and other nationalities on Thursday prayed in Prague for peace in Syria and the world. The prayer mass, held in Saint Peter and Paul …

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