Residents of 4 villages in Idleb countryside allowed to return homes after combing remnants of terrorism

Idleb, SANA- Idleb governorate has allowed the people of Tlemens, Ma’shouen, Ma’rashmasha and Ma’rashmarin villages in the Maaret al-Numan area of Idleb southern countryside to return to their homes after completing combing operations and dismantling explosive devices left behind by terrorists.

Idleb Governor Thaer Salhab said that the service bodies and the governorate institutions , in parallel with the return of the residents, will intensify efforts over the coming period to rehabilitate damaged infrastructure and service facilities in the aforementioned villages whose infrastructure was robbed and vandalized by terrorists before being defeated by the Syrian Arab Army.

The rehabilitation will include electricity, water, road, telephone, and will be carried out gradually, according to the available possibilities, and in accordance with the number of citizens returning to their homes.

Shaza Qreima


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