Ulyanov: Western states hinder conducting objective investigation into what took place in Khan Sheikhoun

Moscow, SANA- Director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Department for Non-Proliferation and Arms Control, Mikhail Ulyanov announced that the Western states are afraid of conducting an objective investigation into what took place in Khan Sheikhoun in Idleb Countryside and they hinder it in all possible means.

Ulyanov was quoted by Russian Novosti News Agency as saying that the Western countries reject any investigation as they don’t believe so much in the responsibility of the Syrian Government for the chemical attack and they don’t want to prove the responsibility of Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist organizations for the attack.

Earlier, Russia called upon the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to send a mission to carry out a probe into the allegations of using chemical weapons in Khan Sheikhoun, but the OPCW rejected under a pressure by the Western countries.


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