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Updated-Russian Foreign Ministry calls for supporting political settlement in Syria

Moscow, SANA-Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova called on all countries to support the political settlement for the crisis in Syria and to prevent the spread of terrorist organizations in …

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DSE Thursday session closes at 1220.61 points

Damascus, SANA – Damascus Securities Exchange (DSE) Thursday session closed with transactions of 15002 stocks in 18 deals with an overall value of around SYP 1.657 million, closing at 1220.61 …

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42 wanted persons turn themselves in

Provinces, SANA – 42 wanted persons from Damascus, Damascus Countryside, Tartous, Quneitra and Daraa turned themselves in to the authorities to have their legal status settled. Earlier on January 9th, …

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New areas in Aleppo and Hama under the army’s control, more terrorists killed in other areas

Provinces, SANA- The army is making advances in the countryside of both provinces of Aleppo and Hama, while its units, backed by the Air Force, continue targeting terrorists’ positions in …

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Moscow insists on forming inclusive opposition delegation to Geneva inter-Syrian talks

Moscow, SANA – The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Thursday that Moscow insists on the full compliance of the UN Security Council resolution on forming an inclusive delegation of Syrian …

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Customs facilitation agreement between Syria and Russia will soon see the light of day

Damascus, SANA – Exporters Union discussed with a Russian delegation on Thursday ways of activating trade exchange and the arrangements required to signing a customs facilitation agreement between the two …

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Humanitarian aid convoys sent to Madaya, Kefraya and al-Fouaa

Damascus Countryside/Idleb, SANA – A humanitarian aid convoy headed on Thursday to the terrorists- besieged Kefraya and al- Fouaa towns in Idleb countryside, simultaneously with another humanitarian aid convoy that …

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A new Humanitarian Aid convoy heads for besieged Kafraya and al-Foua’a towns, Idleb


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CBS sets Thursday USD exchange rate at SYP 335.65

Damascus, SANA – The Central Bank of Syria (CBS) on Thursday set the exchange rate of the USD at SYP 335.65 for banks, 335.67 for currency exchange companies and 334 …

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Thursday weather forecast..Partly cloudy, temperatures above average

Damascus, SANA- Temperatures will rise to become 3 to 5 degrees above average as the country is  under the influence of a low air pressure accompanied with western air currents …

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